The New Brunton Axis

Transit__U3A3094_Front_Cover_grandeInvented by Geologists, for Geologists!

The feedback we received on the new Brunton Axis Geo Compass at PDAC 2017 was awesome, students and Geologists alike were excited about the multi featured Axis with features never before offered on a Brunton pocket transit


The Axis was invented by geologists for geologists and features a significant new twist on the pocket transit that is designed especially for easier geological measurements. Product Details Innovative dual-axis, hollow hinge allows for intuitive, efficient, accurate measurements of planes, lines, bearings, and vertical angles. Only one measurement configuration is needed for strike & dip, trend & plunge, bearing & vertical angle, increasing efficiency and accuracy of measurements. Compass North is parallel to the main hinge axis, making the Axis the only transit able to measure strike and dip concurrently, through contact or sighting methods. Novel lid protractor and rotation around minor axis enables accurate, simultaneous measurement of trend & plunge on any surface, including overhangs. Dimensions (Closed): 3.92″ X 2.78″ X 1.18″ Weight: 12.5 oz Compass Bearing Accuracy: ±1/2 WITH 1° graduations Inclinometer Accuracy: ±1/2 WITH 1° graduations Dip Angle Accuracy: ±1 WITH 2° graduations

Check out these videos from Brunton on the Axis

 Axis Overview
“Getting Oriented”
 “Bearings & Angles”  
“Strike & Dip”  
 “Trend & Plunge”   

If you’d like more information or pricing please contact us toll free at (800) 663-6843 or email our Mining & Exploration Sales Dept: 

You can also place an order today for the Brunton Axis at our webstore

New General Manager at IRL Supplies.

New General Manager at IRL Supplies

We are pleased announce the appointment of Mr Kerry Deschamps as the new General Manager of IRL Supplies. Owner Rob Romeyn, who has been with IRL for 30 years, has filled the GM role for the past 12 years and felt it was time for a fresh change, Mr Romeyn will still be staying on as President & CEO.
Mr Deschamps brings a wealth of experience to the IRL team. His 22 years as a Forestry Professional (MScF – Masters Of Science in Forestry) working in Provincial & Federal Governments as well as for Canfor, combined with his more recent experience in administration and finance will be a great benefit to IRL in the years to come! Kerry plays a large role in the community as well and is also the current Program Quality Director with District 96 Toastmasters, Kerry helps support over 140 clubs and is part of the senior leadership team.
As management and staff, we wish Mr Deschamps a warm welcome to the IRL Team!

Established in 1958, IRL Supplies is a 100% Canadian owned, independent family business. Our roots are deep in the communities where we work and serve.

Kerry Deschamps

Kerry Deschamps

Rob Romeyn

Rob Romeyn

RPF Conference 2016

 IRL Supplies

@RPF Conference 2016


IRL Supplies ABCFP LogoThe Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) annual conference is coming up next week in Vancouver; February 24 – 26. Please be sure to stop at our booth T-26 and say Hi to our forestry sales rep Don. Don has been with IRL for over 20 years and has the expertise to hep you with for supply needs.

“The Association of BC Forest Professionals is responsible for registering and regulating British Columbia’s professional foresters and forest technologists. Here in BC, the practice of professional forestry has been regulated since 1947 when foresters first agreed to help protect the public’s interest in the province’s forests in return for the exclusive right to practise forestry. Today, we are the largest professional forestry association in Canada and the first to include forest technologists.”


PDAC Conference 2016

 IRL Supplies

@PDAC 2016

PDAC_ExhibitorSignatureLogo_WEBThe PDAC 2016 Convention and Tradeshow is March 6 to 9 this year. Be sure to stop by our booth #608 and say Hi to our Sales Manager Steve, Meghan from Sales and our GM; Rob. As always we will be talking about the latest and greatest items introduced to our product lineup. We will have a wide selection of products for purchase at the show as well including rock hammers, loupe’s (magnifiers), field books, compasses, GPS, spot and Inreach satellite communicators and much much more!

IRL Supplies PDAC 2014 IRL Supplies PDAC 2015 IRL Supplies PDAC 2015

PDAC International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange is
the world’s leading Convention for people, companies and organizations
in, or connected with, mineral exploration. In addition to meeting over
1,000 exhibitors and 23,500 attendees from over 100 countries, you can also attend technical sessions, short courses and networking events


Dinolite / IRL SuppliesA representative from Dino-Lite will once again be at our booth to demonstrate and explain the features of the ever popular Dino-Lite Digital Microscope. We would like to thank Big C/Dino-Lite for supporting us at this busy show for more than 5 years running! You’d be amazed at what this mighty little microscope can do!

Dinolite / IRL Supplies

SHAW BACKPACK CORE DRILL – Come by and check out the Shaw Backpack Core Drill at the booth if you haven’t already, we can fill you in on it’s capabilities and how it can benefit your exploration program! Save on the costs of exploratory drilling by taking advantage of the Shaw Drill!

IRL - Core Drill IRL - Core Drill - Photo Courtesy of UTM IRL - Core Drill - Photo courtesy of Geoquest



We know this is a tough time for many but we hold the hope that the tide will change soon! We look forward to seeing everyone at the show and will miss those who are not able to make it this year. Please be sure to stop in and say Hi!

WSCA Conference 2016

IRL Supplies@WSCA 2016

wscalogo-final The WSCA Conference and Trade Show is coming up soon! This year it will be in Kelowna on February 3rd to 5th with the trade show component on February 4th. We look forward to seeing you there.

New for 2016 – Make it easier for your planters to order gear online, well in advance! Our new website is up and ready to take orders and payments on line, we can ship to where ever they (or you) need it to go or we can hold it in store so that they just have to pick it up when they get here. Talk to our sales staff at the booth for more details and how we can make the ordering process easier for you.

IRL Supplies Order display

Place your order early for our Treepro Silvicool Truck Canopy, they are in high demand! We make a variety of sizes and styles to fit flat decks and pick up boxes.

IRL Treepro Silivicool Truck Canopy

We stock a full selection of Planting Gear, call us today to place your order or order on line 24/7

IRL Supplies Planting Bags

IRL Supplies Planting Bags

IRL Supplies Tree Planting Gloves

IRL Supplies Tree Planting Gloves

IRL Supplies Tree Planting Shovel

IRL Supplies Tree Planting Shovel

IRL Supplies Tree Planting Tarps

IRL Supplies Tree Planting Tarps

IRL Supplies Plot Cord

IRL Supplies Plot Cord




AME BC Roundup 2016

 IRL Supplies



Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 10.01.20 AM AME BC’s Roundup 2016 is January 25 to 28 this year. Be sure to stop by our booth #1120 and say Hi to our Sales Manager Steve and Store Manager Andrew. As always we will be talking about the latest and greatest items introduced to our product lineup.

Roundup 2015

Roundup 2015

“This year’s conference will bring together geoscientists, prospectors, investors, suppliers and First Nation partners to share ideas that will help shape the future of mineral exploration and development. As the mineral exploration and development industry continues to work through the current downturn, we reflect on the importance of networking, professional development and relationship building with our partners, stakeholders and competitors. Mineral deposits are becoming harder to find; we must now travel to more remote locations, search deeper beneath cover, and sometimes settle for lower grades. These aspects, coupled with the challenging market conditions, remind us that we must be more creative and collaborative as we explore to discover and develop new mineral deposits”.

Kendra Johnston, Independence Gold Corp.
Roundup 2016 Organizing Committee Chair


SHAW BACKPACK CORE DRILL – Come by and check out the Shaw Backpack Core Drill at the booth if you haven’t already, we can fill you in on it’s capabilities and how it can benefit your exploration program!


IRL - Core Drill IRL - Core Drill - Photo Courtesy of UTM IRL - Core Drill - Photo courtesy of Geoquest




Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 10.01.20 AM

Roundup 2016 Website




Merry Christmas


Valued customers: To allow our hard working staff an extra break during the holidays, we will be closed December 24 to 27 for Christmas. We will be open again December 28 to 31 and closed on January 1 to 3 for New Years. We thank you greatly for your support and patronage in this past year and look forward to serving you in the future!